30 memova za povratak u školu koje će svaki roditelj cijeniti

Skoro je vrijeme da se naša djeca vrate u školu! I bez obzira jeste li roditelj, učitelj, roditelj koji je ujedno i učitelj ili dijete, svi imamo osjećaje o povratku u školu.

Nikad se prije nije očekivala školska godina poput one 2021.-2022. Mnogi roditelji, uključujući i mene, provode MNOGO vremena kod kuće sa svojom djecom. Pandemija je stvorila situaciju tijekom koje je mnoga djeca išla u školu gotovo pola ili, u mom slučaju, cijelu godinu.

Više: 35 memova o trudnoći koji će vas učiniti LOL

Iako smo to prošli s osmjesima na licima i s puno ljubavi i poštovanja prema fantastičnim učiteljima koji su našu djecu proveli kroz školsku godinu, prvi dan škole u nadolazećoj školskoj godini se s velikim iščekivanjem.

Kako bismo vam se nasmiješili i pripremili za ludnicu povratka u školu, sastavili smo 30 najboljih memova za povratak u školu koji će vam zajamčeno učiniti LOL.

Memovi prvog dana škole

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Objava koju dijeli Muslim Mamas (@muslimmamas)

Izvor:#backtoschoolmemes hashtag na Instagramu • Fotografije i videozapisi

1. Ovaj me je nasmijao na sav glas. Volimo svoju djecu, ali godinu dana plus korona virus u kombinaciji s ljetnim raspustom znači da je vrijeme za početak škole!

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Objava koju dijeli Jen-Totally Teacher | ona/ona (@shoptotallyteacher)

Izvor:#firstdayofschoolmemes hashtag na Instagramu • Fotografije i videozapisi

2. Ovaj meme vrijedi za mnoge od nas mama (i tata)! Iako je prvi dan unatrag uvijek pomalo nostalgičan bez obzira na godine.

3. Očito je ovo inscenirano, ali ovi su roditelji svojom kreativnošću napravili jedan od najsmješnijih školskih memova!

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Objava koju dijeli @biotchandmeme

Izvor:#firstdayofschoolmemes hashtag na Instagramu • Fotografije i videozapisi

4. Ovaj školski meme nasmijao me. Djeca se nikad ne vraćaju kući u istom obliku u kojem ih šaljemo (i iskreno, ako su se zabavljali igrajući se i učeći, ne bi trebali!)

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Objava koju dijeli DANI. (@daniii_daily)

Izvor:#firstdayofschoolmemes hashtag na Instagramu • Fotografije i videozapisi

5. Dječji vrtić može biti zastrašujući za neku djecu. Ali iskreno, ne vole li svi više ne biti na dnu poretka?

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Objava koju dijeli Memes Mania (@24x7memesmania)

Izvor:#memesforschool hashtag na Instagramu • Fotografije i videozapisi

6. Neki tate mogu postati malo pretjerano zaštitnički nastrojeni prema svojim kćerima, osobito ako prvi put idu u srednju školu. Pitam se je li ovo upalilo? LOL

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Objava koju dijeli straightouttamiddlecool (@straightouttamiddlecool)

Izvor:#teachermemes hashtag na Instagramu • Fotografije i videozapisi

7. Znam da moji dječaci tako misle o novoj godini koja uskoro počinje! Pitao sam svog sina neki dan je li spreman, a on je odgovorio:“Čekaj, što? Kada?!”

Izvor:back-to-school-memes-lead.jpg (600×450) (thechive.com)

8. Ova slika je sigurno moj sin! Mrzi fotografije i kaže da će ih snimiti samo ako se ne mora nasmiješiti. Tko se još može povezati?

Izvor:meme prvog dana škole - Bing slika

9. Sjećam se kako je bio uzbudljiv i zastrašujući prvi dan srednje škole!

Izvor:meme prvog dana škole - Bing slike

10. Mali dečko straga koji plače na podu čini ovaj meme savršenim. Definitivno nije imao dobro jutro!

Školski memovi o pandemiji

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A post shared by JCFamilies 👪 JerseyCity (@jcfamilies)

Source:#backtoschoolmemes hashtag on Instagram • Photos and Videos

11. This is definitely how I felt. But, unfortunately, there was no “good” option to make everyone happy.

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A post shared by Danielle Martin | Decor &DIY (@myessentialhome23)

Source:#backtoschoolmemes hashtag on Instagram • Photos and Videos

12. While there was nothing funny about coronavirus, we all needed some laughter to get us through this difficult time; this is one of those pics that will make most parents smile!

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A post shared by Memes Mania (@24x7memesmania)

Source:#memesforschool hashtag on Instagram • Photos and Videos

13. This funny back-to-school meme is one I am sure kids wish they could do!

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A post shared by Mothers | moms (@mothers.unite)

Source:parenting memes • Instagram

14. I know plenty of people and moms who homeschool, and they deserve a lot of respect. Hopefully, now people realize just how hard homeschooling is (and we didn’t even have to create the curriculum ourselves!)

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A post shared by eBaum's World (@ebaumsworld)

Source:parenting memes • Instagram

15. I always tried to avoid the camera when my kids needed help! Usually, I had no makeup on, in sweatpants, and holding a coffee mug! They always seemed to need help before I was dressed for the day.

Source:here-are-the-2020-back-to-school-memes-even-though-kids-shouldn-t-be-going-back-to-school-18.png (700×687) (ruinmyweek.com)

16. There definitely was some conflicting information that would go out. It was a confusing time for all! Let’s keep our fingers crossed that this next year runs more smoothly!

School Shopping Memes

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A post shared by MegLeighLand | Content Creator (@megleighland)

Source:#backtoschoolmemes hashtag on Instagram • Photos and Videos

17. Lists for school supplies can be daunting! Haven’t we all wished Alexa could do it all for us?

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A post shared by Science Teacher🔬Middle School (@themorehousemagic)

Source:#backtoschoolmemes hashtag on Instagram • Photos and Videos

18. As a former teacher, this one speaks true! We love school supplies, especially the Target $1 section!

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A post shared by Abbey &Co. (@abbeywolin)

Source:#schoolshopping hashtag on Instagram • Photos and Videos

19. This is one of those funny pictures that need no caption! Those back-to-school shopping lists are long, but what can we do? This mom made us all commiserate by sharing her pic on social media with a big smile.

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A post shared by Pressd | Lifestyle | Culture (@pressdculture)

Source:#shoppingmemes hashtag on Instagram • Photos and Videos

20. For some kids, back-to-school shopping and picking out new clothing is fun; for others, it feels like a jail sentence!

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A post shared by Lorena Figueroa (@fabulousfigs)

Source:#teachermemes hashtag on Instagram • Photos and Videos

21. Of course, we need some back-to-school memes for teachers! The struggle is real!

Schoolwork Memes

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A post shared by L. Elizabeth (@mixedmaternalarts)

Source:L. Elizabeth (@mixedmaternalarts) • Instagram photos and videos

22. Yup. This is me every time!

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A post shared by Host of Mama Vibes Podcast (@mamavibesofficial)

Source:#homeworkmemes hashtag on Instagram • Photos and Videos

23. The struggle is real some nights! Of course, it doesn’t help that my kids are in elementary school, and I cannot figure out their math; what will I do when they reach high school?!

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A post shared by Funny Disney Memes (@oldschooldisney1)

Source:Funny Disney Memes (@oldschooldisney1) • Instagram photos and videos

24. This Disney meme is not officially a back-to-school meme, but it is true that once school starts again, we have all the running around of after-school activities and homework that can just be exhausting!

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A post shared by memes 🥺😙✌️ (@high.school.memes.and.more)

Source:memes 🥺😙✌️ (@high.school.memes.and.more) • Instagram photos and videos

25. This meme makes me laugh because our kids today really have a lot of pressure on them between schoolwork and activities! No wonder they’re tired!

Source:homework memes - Bing images

26. This! Exactly! The frustration is real.

General School Memes

27. School without naps is no joke! I remember mine coming home and crashing every day the first week of kindergarten.

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A post shared by Kidsstoppress | Parenting (@kidsstoppress)

Source:parenting memes • Instagram

28. It is definitely a disruption to your day when that call comes through! And it always seems to happen on your busiest days that the kids get sick.

Source:6c203cb48af4c1f3aea09ebf18da9215.png (515×434) (pinimg.com)

29. So true! I definitely was not up on fashion or anything “cool” when I was in middle school. I feel old around my kids when they talk about TikTok and WhatsApp!

Source:back to school meme - Bing images

30. I think this is how all of us feel and sums up back to school perfectly! I know so many kids and teachers who are excited to be back in the building this fall (and, of course, us parents too!)

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